Strengthening regional development of Middle and Eastern Slovakia and to reach Europe 2020 energy targets.
SINBIO project fits a wider objective to strengthen regional development of behind lagging regions (Middle and Eastern Slovakia) and to reach Europe energy targets of use renewables by 2020.
More than 4 years of preparation and implementation of the SINBIO project have not only invaluable experience for the project team (from the preparation of nine public procurement contracts, through cooperation with foreign-Norwegian partners to the construction works themselves), but especially the most important – real results. Current district heating systems in Slovakia consist of old environmentally ineffective technologies and heat production depends on externally supplied natural gas. Thus energy production is not stable, leaving a huge ecological footprint without promoting local economy and use of local renewable sources.
The city of Trebišov has been heated for more than a year with a brass and chips by means of a modern energy source of Trebišovská energetická, s.r.o. located in peripheral part of the city outside the residential areas. The pilot planting of fast growing woods was launched during the opening ceremony of the new Trebišov boiler house in May 2016. The new transport equipment for the transport and processing of biomass used needed for heat production (not only in Trebišov) was began to be used together with the agricultural machines procured by EPPROS, s.r.o. and Ľubica Takáčová.
In order to reduce logistics costs, the Hriňová Division’s service center was built, and since the summer of 2016 this centre was able to provide service and minor repairs of the transport equipment within its own direction. A new information system should have been helped to increase logistical cost savings, allowing processing the biomass logistics information in real time. Internal training of employees as well as external seminars in the area of heating and energy business are carried out in the reconstructed building of the administrative center. Overall, due to the systemic change of fuel base from fossil fuels to local biomass, more than 20 jobs have been created (including several seats occupied by local marginalized communities) and CO2 emissions are reduced by an average of 8.000t / year. During the implementation period, the project faced several difficult tests and challenges. One of them was also the construction of a pipeline connection from a new boiler to an existing distribution system in Trebišov with a length of almost 11km, with the available time being slightly more than three months (until the start of the winter heating season 2015). Another challenge was the provision of agricultural biomass – straw in the Trebiš region for the needs of a new boiler room.
The project will target public by providing stable and effective heat supply from local biomass. Other beneficiaries are local business (biomass producers and others) and unemployed who will benefit from fuel base change (from natural gas to local biomass) and increased volume of biomass processed by logistics centres.
The project’s objectives are:
- Increased biomass production, newly launched environmental technologies and green jobs created in Middle and Eastern Slovakia.
- What is the project expected to achieve? (describe project outcome)
- Installed energy generation facility in towns Trebišov, Tlmače and Poltár to produce heat from local biomass and applied knowledge of Norwegian partners throughout whole energy value chain.
Roles of Norwegian partners
- The partner International Development Norway will contribute with expertise on sustainable integrated use of different local renewable resources by innovative technological solutions.
- The partner Norsk institutt for skog og landscap will contribute with expertise on energy crops cultivation suitable for heat production on unused lands.
- The partner Norskog will contribute with expertise on streamlining complex logistics operations.
- Partner achievements
- International Development Norway together with Intech Slovakia will develop strategy for further development of energy facility in Trebišov based on conducted analysis by Norwegian partner.
- Norsk institutt for skog og landscape in cooperation with Slovak research institutes will based on the conducted analysis recommend energy crops suitable for cultivation on unused lands in Trebišov town district.
- Norskog will help Intech Slovakia based on the assessments streamlining its logistics operations and management by creating of procedures, manuals and trainings for employees.
The outputs from the project are:
- Energy generation facilities using biomass are installed.
- Air pollution in urban area is lowered and economically stable heat supply is provided.
- Local biomass (wood chips and straw) production is promoted.
- Complement functions – central dispatching (control room) service, education centre, machinery maintenance and collection (use) of biodegradable municipal waste are provided by logistics centres.
- Pilot project of growing energy crops on unused lands is realized on selected areas of Trebišov district.
- Bilateral cooperation with Norwegian partners (exchange of knowledge and expertise) is enhanced and recommended innovative solutions in biomass production, logistics operation and energy production are implemented.