Working together globally for sustainable local development

IDN is a spin-out of SINTEF Foundation, the largest contract research institute in Scandinavia. We provide consulting and management services to projects that require international cooperation. Through a global network of experts, we facilitate knowledge exchange and project cooperation, focusing on Circular Economy, Green Energy, Entrepreneurship, Education & Social Inclusion, Manufacturing, SMEs, ICT and Innovation.


A feasibility study of the coffee market in Colombia to ensure sustainable coffee production from farm to roaster

Tropiq AS is a coffee sourcing company, and with this project they will redefine Colombian coffee sourcing with a more transparent and equitable way of processing and exporting. This involves a strong focus on top quality and sustainable production, which will increase the farmer's returns. Improved coffee production and quality will trigger local employment and additional investments in the producing regions, in the coffee farms itself, and may...

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Investment in an eco-friendly ceramic coating production line

Prefabricated lintels consist of a ceramic coating and reinforced concrete. Cemacon SA operates as a lintel factory and for this operation imports the ceramic coating from Italy. The project’s main objective is to implement a new production line for ceramic coating to be used in lintel production. This will replace import of ceramic coatings from Italy. Therefore, Cemacon SA can increase its prefabricated lintel production to 1,365,000 linear meters per year, without other further investment in lintel facility.

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Our projects have so far reached 28 countries in four continentes, with the work from more than 50 connected universities, Norwegian authorities, bilateral and multilateral agencies, international institutions, governmental organizations, local businesses and other institutional partners. Since 2010, we have also participated in more than 130 EEA Grants projects.

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Featured Experts

Katarzyna Anna Kazimierczuk


Graduate from International Relations faculty at the University of Wrocław, Administration at Law and Administration Faculty at the University of Warsaw in progress. International experience in development, management and implementation of projects related to technology transfer, innovation and SME support, funded by public mechanism, mainly from EU Structural Funds and…

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Graduate from International Relations faculty at the University of Wrocław, Administration at Law and Administration Faculty at the University of Warsaw in progress. International experience in development, management and implementation of projects related to technology transfer, innovation and SME support, funded by public mechanism, mainly from EU Structural Funds and…

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Our Process

Verify requirements

Dealing with the demands of different international parties requires a full and thorough assessment of needs. Our solutions are customized to deliver what is required at every level.

Analyze context

To get a full grasp of the bigger picture we take a deep dive into the reality in which the project will be implemented. This allows us to refine potential solutions and adequatly address systemic needs.

Transfer knowledge

True growth can only be achieved by allowing everyone to benefit from technological advancements. The experts we bring into our projects set out to facilitate the development of solutions on site, along with local partners.

Provide support

We are commited to the success of every project, from beginnig to end. By covering the whole lifecycle, we deliver reliability and continuous assistance to our partners.

Report results

Understanding the outcomes of our actions is what sets the base for future improvements. Our reports give valuable information to private and public authorities interested in learning with us.

Promote autonomy

Our relationships are mutualistic, but not co-dependant. We help to set a legacy of positive impact, one that will only be sustainable if it can be carried on by local agents autonomously.