PROJECT Circular Economy

Unlocking bio-based circular economy sustainable development potentials in Lika Senj County

BLUEGREENCIRCLE intends to strengthen the capacities of local stakeholders and the community in Lika-Senj County for advancing sustainable development through bio-based circular economy models in order to combat climate change, reduce pressure on natural resources, and create sustainable growth.

Croatia Map



The steady increase in global temperatures, resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels and the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), continues to destabilize the economy, biodiversity, and ecosystems worldwide. The commitment has been made in the 2015 Paris Agreement that the annual emission must be halved by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 to limit some of the most catastrophic impacts associated with warming planet. This is also reflected in the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Framework, and the European Green Deal hence enacted of EC Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) of March 2020 which support the EU’s transition to a circular economy as the tool for climate mitigation, reducing pressure on natural resources and creating sustainable growth.

The Bio-Based Circular Economy – the use of renewable, bio-based resources (e.g., crops, animals, seaweeds, etc.) and their conversion into other products such as feed, materials for manufacturing, and energy using reducing, reusing, and recycling activities throughout – is an important foundation for development of Lika Senj County, Croatia’s largest nature reserve and least populated county, which is facing significant challenges in redirecting its development towards a circular economy. The BLUEGREEN CIRCLE builds the capacity of key stakeholders in Lika-Senj County to advance a development pathway in which the use of circular solutions within bio-based sectors -industries based on the production of renewable biological resources – contributes the most to its sustainability, climate, and environment targets. This project is potential for increasing sustainable production and harvesting, making resource use more effective, making greater use of residual raw materials in high-value products, and producing new feed resources and other products.


  • Mapping and stakeholder capacity building
  • Visit to Norway for exchange of best practice in circular economy, zero emission factories and recycling processes
  • Public Support for Bio-based Circular Economy in LS County

IDN involvement

  • Creating of a BLUEGREEN CIRCLE Database
  • Contributing to mapping and capacity building trainings
  • Establishing a county working group on Bio-Based Circular Economy and coordinating Meetings of the BLUE GREEN Working Group
  •  Organizing study visit including B2B of Multi-sector delegation to Norway and  exchange visit Norway to Croatia (LS County)
  • Providing Public Support for Bio-based Circular Economy in LS County
  • Attending and participating to Project Board Meetings as part of WP Project Management