PROJECT Strategy & Policy

Sustainable Regional Development (SK-UA)

Assessing the state of the environment in the SK-UA cross-border area to ensure the sustainable development

Slovakia Map


Ukraine Map


Assessing environmental conditions in the SK-UA cross-border area to ensure sustainable development.

The territory of the Slovakia – Ukraine border is characterized by many peculiarities, specially regarding its climate, culture and economy. Historical links between the adjacent countries, associated with low linguistic and cultural barriers, create the conditions for an effective participation in projects for joint development. 

In terms of environmental zoning, the border area is characterized by the heterogeneity of the environment: from high-quality environment preservation in the north (first grade of protection, with the existence of the National Park Poloniny) to a much deteriorated environment (fourth grade – Zemplin burdened area and severely disturbed Latorica zone). About the economy, it makes up the least economically developed region of Slovakia. 

The project anticipates an analysis of the environment in the border area and it results in modeling variants of efficient land use involving the local population – so that the proposed solutions contribute to the sustainable economic development of the area while protecting the environment.

The project consisted of:

  • Mapping the state of components of the environment in the SR-UA border area.
  • Analysis of the economic potential and the socio-economic infrastructure of the area.
  • Mapping and analysis of the specifics of the border areas´ development using also the experience of partners from other countries/areas.
  • Proposal for sustainable development of analyzed area while respecting regional specifics and ensuring the environment protection of the SR-UA border area.

To achieve its objectives, IDN participates in the project with know-how from Norway and other parts of Europe about sustainable development. To implement a sustainable regional development, different Slovak and Ukrainian bodies will provide assistance and collaborate. This also ensures the heterogeneity of scientific and professional profile of partners (universities, research institutes, management of the national park, etc.). 

The outcomes from the project were:

  • Survey of the components of environment and their quality in the SR-UA border area.
  • Survey of the economic development potential of the area.
  • Comparative analysis of the border areas development -examples of good practice.
  • Proposal of possibilities of sustainable utilization of SK-UA border area.