PROJECT SME Development

Smart loan brokerage customer flow distribution system

Creating a smart loan brokerage system using AI to match loan providers and customers

Lithuania Map


Using AI to improve the loan market

The Lithuanian financial services company UAB “Finbro” is looking to create an automatic loan broking system capable of finding the best sounding source for clients and the best clients for loan companies. The concept will combine an analysis of Lithuanian loan providers, customers and lithuanian loan market and funding companies analysis with artificial intelligence.

From this system Finbro expects to gain an important competitive edge in several aspects. Loan providers are expected to receive inquiries of higher quality from Finbro, returning Finbro with higher priority. Loan seekers will receive loan offers of higher quality in a shorter time. They will also be provided with instant preliminary prognoses of what different loan offers might be received.


  • Analyse several aspects of the loan market (providers, customers and funding companies)
  • Creation of AI-based Loan Brokerage System

IDN’s involvement

IDN will help provide advice on design of system architecture, selection of technology platform, ML/AI platforms and/or tools and the specific design of AI algorithm. Further IDN will consider functionalities of Norwegian “loan brokerage systems”, providing advice on current technology and decisions. To make the system applicable to the Norwegian market, IDN will align the project with Norwegian laws and regulations, while also assessing the requirements and preferences of potential customer segments in Norway. Finally, IDN will provide recommendations to create a competitive service and design

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