Remediation of historically oil-contaminated sites in Ventspils – Working together for a green Europe
The focus of project "Remediation of historically oil-contaminated sites in Ventspils – former NAI “ŪDEKA” (Kad. No. 27000290133) territory and oil product main pipeline route (Kad. No. 27000290007)" is to clean up a historically contaminated with oil products site by eliminating a source of pollution that, in the context of climate changes, poses a significant risk to the Baltic Sea and its coast and the health of the surrounding population.

Expected results:
- As a result of the project, the risks to Public health and the Environment in the respective area will be eliminated and it will be made usable in accordance with the interests of public and city development.
- As a result of the project public awareness and education campaigns, public awareness of environmental and climate issues will be increased.
- Exchange of experience with the Norwegian partner will provide additional practical and theoretical knowledge on this type of project implementation, international experience and efficient use of funding.
Programme: Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme “Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Environment”
- Freeport of Ventspils authority
- Ventspils High Technology Park
- International Development Norway
Total budget: EUR 5 117 000 (co-financing from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism is EUR 4 349 450)
Implementation period: July 01, 2021 – April 30, 2024