PROJECT Entrepeneurship

Supporting AI Development in Romania

Quaesta AI is a technological start-up from Romania, providing advanced solutions and services in computer vision, using Machine Learning and Deep Learning methodologies. The company strategy is to create a software library for the
development of computer vision applications for quality control.

Romania Map


Enhance the Competitiveness of Quaesta AI

As the Romanian start-up changes its strategy, the management is in need of training and mentoring. Therefore the goal of the project is to increase the competitiveness of Quaesta AI within the focus areas of Information and Communication Technologies. As well as reinforce bilateral relations between Romania and Norway.

The EnCompQAI project will contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the EEA and it will help the Romanian Tech sector in value creation and sustainable growth.


  • Training of the Quaesta personnel
  • Participation in trade fairs and multiple networking events
  • Organization of virtual events
  • Creation of a new dataset and feasibility study

IDN Involvement

IDN will contribute to the project with the organization of training and mentoring on business development. IDN is also responsible for the organization of multiple networking opportunities for Quaesta AI in Norway