New sustainable polyol production at CHIMCOMPLEX
Chimcomplex produces polyols for multiple industrial and domestic applications. For the current project, Chimcomplex intends to produce new special polyols which are the result of our previous research activities. The scope of our project is not only to produce special polyols, but also to design them together with our clients, adapting the formula according to their needs.
Project Objectives
Diversification of production by introducing new types of special polyols:
- special polyols for increasing energy efficiency in several applications (special thermal insulation with polyurethanes, reduction of energy losses in consumption and production, fire retardant polyols, etc.
- special polyols with the use of vegetable oils as a substitute for fossil sources
- part of our concept of a circular economy
- CO2 special polyols (from CCU Carbon capture and utilization)
- Increase current production capacity of polyols
- Customize and design production in order to solve client-specific problems through technological innovation
- Strengthening Chimcomplex’s brand image as a company supporting environmental protection at all levels
- Strengthen ties between Romania and Norway by developing business cooperation to green Chimcomplex’s processes and products along with circular economy principles