Supporting SMEs to become more competitive
Increasing competitiveness and providing a healthy business environment for investment and employment.
Increasing competitiveness of the private sector, and provide a healthy business environment for investment and employment.
Being competitive nowadays does not necessarily mean to be the cheapest – but to be the “best” value option for clients, customers and consumers, as well as taking the best competitive positioning versus competitors.
Selling more, delivering better products and services and producing more efficiently are the goals to achieve; and Innovation is the means for progressing on this path. As Albania is on its way towards the European Union, the EU is supporting the Albanian Government in its efforts to create and strengthen modern and more innovative entrepreneurship through the Project “Supporting SMEs to become more competitive in the EU market”.
The overall objective is to increase competitiveness of the private sector, and provide a healthy business environment for investment and employment. The project is implemented by a consortium led by IDI – International Development Ireland, in cooperation with SINTEF Group of Norway. IDN is subcontracted by SINTEF.