PROJECT Entrepeneurship SME Development

Guide 4.0 – how to teach the competences of the future

Teaching Industry 4.0 to teachers and lecturers to increase knowledge amongst SMEs in Poland

Poland Map


Teaching the industry of tomorrow

The Future Industry Platform Foundation (FPPP) is a Polish foundation created by the Polish Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology as means to improve Polish SME competence and awareness on digital transformation. This project is a cooperation between FPPP and IDN to teach competence for industry 4.0 in different educational settings.

”Guide 4.0 – how to teach the competencies of the future” consists in creating an online training course increasing the qualifications of secondary school teachers in the field of training the competencies of the future. The methodology used in the course will be based on the educational tool created as part of this project:  the online Competence Guide for the Future (Guide 4.0). Guide 4.0 will allow mapping the students’ competencies and
comparing them to a digitized map of future competencies necessary in economy 4.0. Mapping student competencies will allow the teacher to develop an individual (or group) development process. Guide 4.0 will be created with a Handbook for Teachers in a traditional (pdf.) and multimedia (online tutorial and e-learning training) form. The course will be tested as a pilot for two groups of teachers. The aim of the project is to increase the effectiveness of educational processes in a way that allows Polish education to be adapted to the needs of economy 4.0. The project will improve the quality of developing the competencies of the future among students, which will contribute to the increase in the competitiveness of the Polish economy.

Activities planned in the project:

  • Creating a map of competencies of the future, professions of the future, and educational tools
  • Development of Guide 4.0
  • Development of a handbook for teachers
  • Development of a training course
  • Promotion of Guide 4.0

Activities carried out under the project will be addressed directly to the teaching staff of secondary schools. Indirectly, the activities will also apply to students who, thanks to Guide 4.0, will develop their competencies more effectively.

IDN will provide Norwegian perspectives on industrial education and facilitate international learning.  We will work together with the Project Promoter in an expert  group, contributing competence mapping the industry and necessary educational tools. IDN will help to align the design of the Competence Guide for the Future (Guide 4.0) to business needs and assist with the creation of a handbook for teachers. We will facilitate the study visit focusing on teaching Industry 4.0 competencies in Norway together ( also in the context of diversity and inclusivity). Finally, IDN will assist with course design and validation to improve teachers’ qualifications. Here IDN will use best practices from Norway to help support the design of e-learning courses, improving the sustainability of the project results. In addition to these activities, IDN will contribute to the promotional activities of FPPP