PROJECT Circular Economy

Developing Nature-based solutions for the City of Kłodzko

Kłodzki Municipality plans to improve live quality in Kłodzko city by becoming more ecological and developing more blue and green infrastructure

Poland Map



The goal of this project is to prepare the City of Kłodzko and its inhabitants for changing climate conditions by mitigating climate change and adapting to their effects.

International Development Norway will assist and advice the municipality in accomplishing the goal. The cooperation will include the following activities:


  • Revitalization of parks and green areas in the City of Kłodzko, the establishment of municipal vegetable gardens
  • Blue infrastructure and rainwater management actions


  • Introduction of an electric bike system
  • Introduction of air pollution measurements in Kłodzko (developed by educational institutions together with an air purifier system)
  • Establishing electric car charging stations


  • Creating “Kłodzki Climate Lab” and organizing workshops for different target groups
  • Training city experts and public officials to conduct the “Kłodzki Climate Lab”
  • Organization of city picnics – impetus for the local community to participate in environmental activism
  • Neighbour help; Education for more ecological awareness
  • Developing a catalogue of investment rules for new investments in the field of counteracting climate change
  • Restoring retention capacity of impervious surfaces and water; improving retention infrastructure
  • Organization of conferences on green and blue infrastructure in cities
  • Running a support point for residents in the field of prosumer (producer /consumer) energy: presenting national support programs and EU funds, and assistance in obtaining them


  • Promotion in social media, local TV, nationwide breakfast television
  • Preparation and printing of a catalogue of good practices, including developed solutions for the City of Kłodzko
  • Creating a discussion panel for representatives of local governments of the Kłodzki region