TROPIQ and IDN cooperation
IDN has assisted TROPIQ in developing an application for the NORAD Enterprise Development Program. In March the project was approved by NORAD and TROPIQ will receive 50% of eligible costs from NORAD. IDN will also provide project management support during project execution.
Tropiq wants to redefine Colombian coffee sourcing with a more transparent and equitable way of processing and exporting, and with a strong focus on top quality and sustainable production, which increases the farmer’s returns. Improved coffee production and quality will trigger local employment and additional investments in the producing regions, in the coffee farms themselves, and may encourage side-projects along the way. In order to ensure a high-quality coffee, Tropiq aims to set up subunits in the main coffee-producing regions, starting with Antioquia. For the subunits, Tropiq will engage local staff, which will work to facilitate the sourcing of raw materials, quality control, supply chain management monitoring, and the deployment of knowledge from coffee experts such as agronomists. The operations of Tropiq near the producing source will be focused on product development, optimizing quality, and increasing the yield of the producing farms.
The setup of Tropiq’s subunits in Colombia also contemplates adjusting to the Colombian market a modern database for business tracking. This will facilitate the acceTropiq wants to redefine Colombian coffee sourcing with a more transparent and equitable way of processing and exporting, and with a strong focus on top quality and sustainable production, which increases the farmer’s returns. Improved coffee production and quality will trigger local employment and additional investments in the producing regions, in the coffee farms themselves, and may encourage side-projects along the way.
In order to ensure a high-quality coffee, Tropiq aims to set up subunits in the main coffee-producing regions, starting with Antioquia. For the subunits, Tropiq will engage local staff, which will work to facilitate the sourcing of raw materials, quality control, supply chain management monitoring, and the deployment of knowledge from coffee experts such as agronomists. The operations of Tropiq near the producing source will be focused on product development, optimizing quality, and increasing the yield of the producing farms. The setup of Tropiq’s subunits in Colombia also contemplates adjusting to the Colombian market a modern database for business tracking. This will facilitate access to relevant information throughout the processes, allowing coordinated logistics, and integrating the supply chain for the B2B coffee market while ensuring a sustainable and fairly traded coffee.
In order to achieve the subunits set-up and the adaptation of the database, Tropiq will need to carry out a feasibility study. By doing this, Tropiq will be able to design a complete business plan for the extension of its operations in Colombia. In further stages, Tropiq also plans to deploy its production and quality expertise to establish and manage a wet-milling processing unit to transform coffee cherries into high-quality coffee parchment and specialty coffee ready to export. The viability of the wet-milling unit establishment will also be addressed in the feasibility study.ss to relevant information throughout the processes, allowing coordinated logistics, and integrating the supply chain for the B2B coffee market while ensuring a sustainable and fairly traded coffee. In order to achieve the subunits set-up and the adaptation of the database, Tropiq will need to carry out a feasibility study. By doing this, Tropiq will be able to design a complete business plan for the extension of its operations in Colombia. In further stages, Tropiq also plans to deploy its production and quality expertise to establish and manage a wet-milling processing unit to transform coffee cherries into high-quality coffee parchment and specialty coffee ready to export. The viability of the wet-milling unit establishment will also be addressed in the feasibility study.