Visiting Meråker Kjøtt
IDN together with 16 polish companies and the Polish Chamber of Commerce visited the meat processing company Meråker Kjøtt. There the owner and CEO Per Johan Pedersen welcomed the visiting group with an introduction of the company.
On the 18th of November, IDN together with 16 polish companies and the Polish Chamber of Commerce visited the meat processing company Meråker Kjøtt. There the owner and CEO Per Johan Pedersen welcomed the visiting group with an introduction of the company, its history, their production numbers, and the energy efficiency investments they have done during the years.
The group was then taken on a tour at the factory in the village of Meråker, and it is an impressive business run in a small place close to the Swedish border. Energy and production efficiency is a big focus in Meråker Kjøtt and they have received funding from ENOVA when investing in energy efficiency infrastructure.
Several of the Polish companies work within the processing industry and detailed discussions about production took place. And IDNs experience is that there are many things that both sides can learn from each other.