16.06.2023 Norway

Study visit from Poland

Study visit to Trondheim regarding discovering culture of learning and competence development processes in the changing economy and society- insights from the Norwegian experience.

From 14th to the 15th of June, we had the pleasure of hosting representatives from Jagiellonian University Extension and the Polish Chamber of Commerce of training companies.

We visited NTNU to get Norwegian/NTNU’s perspective of a variety of topics including serious games, the structure of long-life learning and education, and how to tailor educational services to meet industry needs. After we returned back to the IDN office, we had presentations from Leif Estensen about how competence-brokers work and its challenges. The second presentation was held by our two interns Julia Siversen and Henrik Hagset Øverli about technologies used for reskilling and upskilling in Norway. The second day consisted of project work at the IDN office.
