Waste Treatment Solutions for Livestock
Conference on solutions for Serbian meat producing sector with bilateral cooperation.
Increasing the maturity level of the Serbian meat processing industry and increase competitiveness for better positioning on the international market.
Serbian business delegation led by President Tadic, Minister of Trade and Director of Serbian Chamber of Commerce, visited Oslo in early May 2010. During the visit, a business forum and various individual meetings between companies have been organized. Norwegian companies dealing with waste management expressed the interest to develop cooperation with meat processing industry in Serbia.
The Norwegian companies consider Serbia to be a very attractive market for their technology. On the other side, the Serbian meat processing industry is looking for international partners in order to upgrade its waste treatment technology. This project is proposed in order to facilitate follow up of the activities initiated during this event. The overall goal of the project is to contribute to increasing the maturity level of the Serbian meat processing industry and increase competitiveness for better positioning on the international market, in accordance with international requirements within targeted industry.
International Development Norway acted as project applicant and project manager. Other project partners were:
- Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Serbia.
- Association “Inno Focus”, Serbia (IDN Norway is the main founder of business association “Inno Focus” in Serbia)
The project stakeholders that have interest for resolution of the waste treatment problems in meat industry will be municipalities from the south-east Serbia. As the Consortia member of EEN Serbia, Serbian Chamber of Commerce will also use EEN Serbia, with its strong network among companies. Project stakeholders that have a strong network among Norwegian companies, will be:
- Oslo Chamber of Commerce;
- EEN Norway;
- Green Business Norway.
The project will achieve its objectives using the following instruments:
- Develop capacities and awareness of Serbian companies related to waste treatment technology/solutions and possibilities/opportunities.
- Exchange of knowledge and business skills between Serbian and Norwegian companies.
- Development of business partnerships, which foster transfer of technology.
- Raise awareness of the local community (i.e. local authorities) on the waste treatment importance and solutions.