Greening Polish Economy – new project launched in Poland
Innovative production process for high quality green products based on recycled tires.
Used tires are not biodegradable, they are difficult to compact, occupying large space and they are also a very serious ecological problem, with the growing tendency. (Every year about 3.2 million tonnes of used tyres are generated in Euro Zone + Norway + Switzerland; in Poland 190 thousand tonnes is generated). The The main objective of the project is to apply innovative technology for the production process of high quality green products based on used tyres. The expected output of the project is mainly realisation of business opportunities of greening the European economy, what will be achieved by extending extising recycling process of used tires and introducing to new for company product: TDF (tire derived fuel) and improved product: steel cord. The will support most of all extension of the facility in Sławno by purchase and delivery new production line necessary to start-up production of TDF and improved steel cord and briquetting. IDN contribution is focused on business development – market research and CSR strategy developed for the company needs. Target group are suppliers of used tires and new customers. Indirectly it will influence partners also in Scandinavian markets and environmental stakeholders in the Sławno neighbourhood.
Vinderen has signed contract for implementation of the project in June 2015 and after summer we will be ready to take off .