EEA Grants Education Program in Poland launched
The Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) acting as the Operator of the Education Programme, implemented under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, is launching a Call for proposals by means of a competition with a maximum possible project grant of 250 000 EUR. It is the first out of the three Calls launched under the Programme.
Programme implementation implies open calls for all four components and the activities within them, namely:
- Professional Development of staff:
- study visits for persons working in the field of formal and non-formal education;
- intensive training for education staff, organized in Poland and conducted by experts from the Donor States;
- Mobility Projects in Higher Education:
- for students – mobilities and practices;
- for staff members, in the visiting countries – teaching assignments; participation in seminars, training, workshops, and conferences; job shadowing;
- Institutional cooperation for the enhancement of quality and relevance of VET and Continuing Education through:
- development or modernization of the educational offer of VET/continuing education establishment, including redesigned curricula;
- exchange of experience, organization of joint initiatives by Polish and DS institutions;
- development or modernization of local/regional/national strategies/policies for VET and continuing education.
- Institutional cooperation for the enhancement of quality and relevance of education at all levels and forms (excluding VET and continuing education) through the activities corresponding to those listed under the 3. component, wherein, for the final point, eligible can be a strategy of the development of the education system.
While working with SME innovation for a time we see this call as a great opportunity to use Norwegian best practices and help to create educational program curricula that will stimulate and strengthen SME sector development in Poland. The ongoing transformation of industries in CEE towards digitalization and circularity requires new competence and skills and we strongly believe that our experience with a number of projects for industries in CEE realized merged with regional R&D&I system approach could bring the unique value to the process. This is why we gladly accepted to be a part of consortia addressing the challenges of industry 4.0 and dual training in Poland under Component III, so now we are crossing our fingers tight together with our partners and waiting for the results to be published by the end of 2019.
More information about the Education Programme in Poland. http://education.org.pl/en/