Company projects from POLNORECO about to be launched
We are starting to introduce environmental innovation in two companies, which were invited to take part in the project and were motivated enough to accept the chance.
Logic adapted in the POLNORECO project goes from specific company work to wide dissemination, therefore we are starting with analyzing the situation and potential to introduce environmental innovation in two companies, which were invited to take part in POLNORECO and motivated enough to accept the chance.
In Podlaskie, POLNORECO will carry an eco – innovation projcet for a regional meat producer. KABO meat plant was built in 1992 as a partnership founded by Anatol Borowik and Wiaczesław Karpieszuk. The factory produces about 250 tons of meat goods per month. For many years the company has specialised in the production of dried meats and sausages. Due to the requirements of food processing company is facing challenges related to energy efficiency in production – IDN will suggest the improvements and possible projects answering theses challenges.
In Lubelskie, we are going to work with EDBAK – a leading Polish manufacturer of innovative fixing systems for LED/LCD screens and projectors. EDBAK also offers a full range of products for digital signage, such as totems, info-kiosks and internal and external housings – all designed and customised in accordance with the requirements and needs of every customer. Despite production process is not so energy consuming as in the case of KABO, still energy efficiency has not been a subject yet for EDBAK management. IDN will recommend solutions focusing on energy monitoring and management together with projects introducing process and organization innovation in the company.
These two company innovation project will be the base for further work in regional network projects and promotion of innovation, energy efficiency in SMEs and bilateral Polish – Norwegian knowledge and experience exchange.