Circular economy as a new paradigm of sustainable development
Changing climate, urban growth, digital evolution together with the scarcity of resources and waste generation are forcing modifications in traditional business models and causing the necessity to strive for prosperity in new ways.
The economy both globally and locally is facing new challenges. A changing climate, urban growth, digital evolution together with the scarcity of resources and waste generation are forcing modifications in traditional business models and causing the necessity to strive for prosperity in new ways. The European Commission, global corporations, governments, and communities are looking for solutions to face these challenges and the development of the circular economy may be the right answer. This autumn, IDN in Poland has joined the discussion about opportunities arising from the transition from a linear to the circular economy.
Mazovia is closing the loop
What exactly is the circular economy? Where is Poland on the map of countries on the way towards a circular economy? What are the development trends and challenges faced by Polish companies and local governments? What can we do to jump inside this moving train? How should municipal companies, institutions, and businesses adapt to the challenges of the CE? And in the end – how to get financing to design and implement new circular business models? To bring Norwegian perspective to these challenges, together with key sustainable development stakeholders in Poland IDN was a strategic partner of the first Mazovia Circular Congres. The event brought together experts, policymakers, and private sector, thus creating a scene to share inspirational stories of the cities, companies and business support institutions around the world to showcase and share the benefits of the circular economy. More info here.
Soon after MCC, we have been a part of Circular Week in Poland – a series of great events in many locations in Poland with one specific goal: to promote and discover opportunities arising from the circular economy. We are more than sure that this is just the beginning of the way and we will do our best to support the CCE regions in the forthcoming transition process.