
Celebrating Milestones at INSPIRATION Project

Celebrating Milestones at INSPIRATION Project with TRI.SYN.C. and ΕΒΕΑ – ACCI | Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry trainers and advisors for Greek startups!
Cheers to the incredible participants of the INSPIRATION Project Train the Trainers on successfully closing project cases after weeks of dedicated mentoring and guided sessions facilitated by the Oslo International Hub‘s Senior Business Developer Rita Anson!
The past weeks were filled with Mentoring/Homework-guided hours, empowering these trainers in business development with the insights needed for a sustainable future. The training sessions, focused on Sustainable Business Models (SBMs) and Circular Economy Business Models (CEBMs), provided a comprehensive understanding to enhance knowledge and skills in business development.
Key Takeaways:

  • Characteristics of SBMs and CEBMs: Trainers gained in-depth knowledge about the distinct characteristics, paving the way for informed decision-making.
  • Taxonomy Understanding: A clear taxonomy of SBMs and CEBMs was established, offering a structured approach to implementation.
  • Effective Incorporation: Trainers were equipped to seamlessly integrate SBMs and CEBMs into their programs, ensuring better outcomes in business development.
  • The INSPIRATION Project is an EEA and Norway Grants beacon for Supporting Sustainable Business model innovation, especially for the vital small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) in the Greek economy. The project recognizes that adopting this is not just the future—it’s a significant factor for competitiveness.
  • Our Goal at International Development Norway and Oslo International Hub:
    To support Greek SMEs in transitioning from conventional Business Models, paving the way for a sustainable and circular future. INSPIRATION strives to improve conditions for the adoption of these innovative models, empowering SMEs to explore opportunities in Green Industry Innovation, Blue Growth, and Informative Communication Technologies.
  • Kudos to all participants for their commitment to driving positive change! The INSPIRATION Project is shaping a future where sustainable business practices lead the way.
  •  The next milestones coming soon!