Polish-Norwegian round tables for energy efficiency
The partners will jointly realize a project aiming to facilitate the exchange of experiences and build the fundamentals of cooperation platform for further project and initiatives.
Energy efficiency in an ongoing challenge for European stakeholders – considering both implementation in the industry but also regulation and system policies. Public authorities represented by National Environment and Water Management Fund also highlights relevancy of the topic and decided to support project of Polish-Norwegian round tables. On the 4th of July 2017 we received the Grant Offer Letter from the Managing Authorities providing support to bilateral expertise exchange.
The Foundation Institute Innovative Economy from Warsaw and International Development Norway AS will jointly realize a project funded from Bilateral Cooperation Fund aiming to facilitate the exchange of experiences and build the fundamentals of cooperation platform for further project and initiatives.
The round table meetings will gather experts, professionals and regulatory bodies to discuss and promote energy efficiency best practices.
Formal result of the meetings will be a jointly developed by IDN and IEE roadmap for improving the competitiveness and effectiveness of energy system of Polish Economy. We hope to discuss issues like: effective resource management, implementation of new technologies, development of dispersed energy, operational and management practices on system level, policies and regulations and finally forthcoming challenges in Polish energy system.