Open debate on Clean Energy Forum in Poznan
The debate was very interactive and will be one of the relevant steps forward in increasing the awareness about best practices in clean energy.
Last event of the bilateral Cooperation Project realized by International Development Norway AS in Poland was an open debate promoting on XVII International Forum of Clean Energy during POL ECO-SYSTEM Fairs on 17th of October 2017. The overall topic addressed by the event was “Challenges of the energy market in Poland and Norway – what can we learn from each other?” and took a form of a panel discussion, moderated by Rafał Zasuń from High Voltage portal. From a Norwegian site we hosted Hans Petter Kildal, Board Member of the Norwegian Climate Foundation and Leif Naes, USN, Southeast University College of Norway, Electric Mobility Cluster. Polish site was represented by The Ministry of Energy and Maciej Kapalski, Arnold Rabiega from National Institute of distributed energy and Jan Talaśka, Vice President, Director. Development of DNV Poland.
The discussion was focused on the main areas. First was related to a vital area in ongoing public debate on sustainable management of the resources and the topic of circular economy and its role in both countries. Second covered the last years global specialization of Norway which is the unquestionable Norwegian leadership in introducing electric vehicles into the market. Last area of the discussion was focused on energy clusters. The debate had was very interactive and vital so we hope that it will be one of the relevant steps forward in increasing the awareness about best practices which may be considered by Polish Norwegian stakeholders in their future decisions.