IDN is awarded two contracts with OECD
IDN is the lead partner in consortium with focus on innovation to be implemented on Serbia.
IDN is the lead partner in consortium with focus on innovation.
We were awarded two contracts with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), both to be implemented in Serbia. The first project, “The SME Policy Index”, will compile the evaluation of the SME Policy and the elaboration of the Small Business Act (SBA) Report for Serbia. The SME Policy Index covers ten policy dimensions of the SBA: Rewarding entrepreneurship and thriving family business; “Second chance” Bankruptcy rules; “Think Small First” principle; Responsive public administration; Adapted Public procurement and State Aid; Timely payments in commercial transactions/Access to Finance; Benefiting from a Single Market; Skills upgrading and innovation; Environment and SMEs and SMEs and access to markets.
The second project, “Local Development Capacity Assessment in EU Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries in the Western Balkans”, will map and assess the capacity of local actors in Kragujevac region in Serbia in the following thematic areas: employment and skills development; entrepreneurship and enterprise creation and growth; and social inclusion; as well as in the overarching area of strategy and policy design and delivery.