Final of the small grant scheme in Mazovia
Hosted by the Skylight scraper the heart of Warsaw, the event had been a pleasant evening for the awarded applicants and invited guest.
Small Grant Scheme addressed to partnerships of SME’s and research institutes was prepared and implemented by a consortia of IDN and Trondelag Forskning og Utvikling in the framework of systematic project of the regional authorities of Mazovia.
In the call organized in June 2014, 41 applications were submitted – 20 of them were awarded by the Evaluation Comitee with Small Grants of 20 000 PLN ( approx. 40 000 NOK). Applications submitted in the call were quite various – we had both technical projects ( ref. ex. development of new qualities of construction glue or feasibility study of the infrared based monitoring system) and marketing/business development ones.
In order to sum up the achievements of the applicants, but also to create a space for a discussion and to present Norwegian practices of supporting joined industry/research projects an awarding ceremony accompanied by an expert’s panel was held on the 30th of September 2014. Hosted by the Skylight scraper the heart of Warsaw, the event had been a pleasant evening for the awarded applicants and invited guest.