Barriers and bottlenecks to innovation diffusion in Mazovia.
What are the barriers to innovation and its diffusion in the central region of Poland? What could be the driving force to overcome them, especially considering the center of the region with the capital as its heart and the regional Mazovia?
Are the threats identified in the Regional Innovation Strategy in 2015 remain the same and if so, what new actions they could imply?
To these and other questions we were trying to find the answer in a study prepared together with Oxford Research for the regional authorities of Mazovia. On the 18th of January 2019, the presentation of the report took place.
Based on the conducted analysis (we used triangulation of research methods starting from desk research including statistical analysis, network analysis and finally verifying our findings with an experts panel) We confirmed the threats and challenges from Regional Innovation Strategy as actual but also identified new ones related to regionalisation processes and structures and processes resulting from implementation of smart specialisation paradigm.
To draft the recommendations for all stakeholders in the regional innovation system we drew on Norwegian experience – we proposed to incorporate technology/innovation brokers into the existing structure and create local innovation networks that stimulated could become decentralized project pipes. This approach would also fit priorities of the new European financial perspective where more funds will be allocated to actions strengthening the effectiveness of innovation systems, so we hope to see Norwegian best practices implemented.