Rita Anson

Rita Anson has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Human Resources Management and Labour Law from Zaragoza University (Spain).

She is in charge of Business and Entrepreneurship training and mentoring at IDN.

As Project Manager Rita coordinates the communication between beneficiaries and the partners. She collects and structures information from the beginning of the project until the completion of the project and communicates with the beneficiary about the training sessions, validating results and collaborating extensively with experts and companies. She takes part in the process of structuring deliverables in the training sessions and plans/organizes study trips and workshops in Norway and abroad.

Other positions/roles:

Program Manager at Oslo International Hub – Facilitating training programs and events in Norway and delivering courses on entrepreneurship training (Investment readiness, Pitching training, Startup guidance for migrants, Entrepreneurial Orientation) to strengthen individuals in the Nordics on how to establish their own company, guiding and helping professionals and young entrepreneurs in the innovation eco-system, to set a network and to get introduced to investors, guiding and helping professionals and entrepreneurs in the innovation ecosystem

Secretary General at NorBAN. Expert consultant and Project Manager as head of program coordination for business angels training and startups, helping to create arenas where angel investors and entrepreneurs/companies meet. Delivering courses for new angel investors in startup investment strategies, covering the evaluation of startups, and creating local networks.

Co-founder Nordic Ignite. Management team member as investment dealflow pre-screening team responsible for the initial due diligence of ventures.

Co-founder WIN Women Investor Network Norway. Empowering women to strengthen their financial position, with programs to learn how to invest in startups, and by providing an arena for women to evaluate investment opportunities and invest together.



  • Norway
  • Greece
  • Croatia
  • Romania
  • Colombia
  • Italy
  • Bulgaria
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Estonia