Mariusz Wozniak

Mariusz Wozniak is an energy expert with a focus on LED solutions. Experience: (2019 – ongoing): National Institute of Energetical Efficiency (KIEE) – Chairman of the Board – cooperation with local self-government units and private sector companies dealing with projects concerning energetical efficiency (lighting systems modernization, PV installations, balancing of the energy consumption, electrical plants modernization. (2015 – 2019): „ATON” Foundation of Lighting Revitalization – Chairman of the Board – cooperation with local self-government units dealing with projects concerning lighting systems modernization (contact, preparing of presentations, auditory estimations, tender procedure preparing and conducting, negotiations with distribution network operators, securing the financing of the project – TPF, ESCO, PPP, leasing). Emerging projects financed from savings with no need to possess extra funds at the start. (2006 – 2007): Deputy Mayor in Zielona Gora – responsible for cooperation with entrepreneurs, commune investments, gaining of investors, transportation and promotion. (2005-2006): Projects Manager Assistant – ESF-based projects managing, logistics, coaching, and contra-coaching at workshops and training. (2002 -2005): Deputy Mayor in Zary – responsible for education, culture, social matters, development of the town, and revitalization.


  • Poland