PROJECT Circular Economy Green Energy


Innovative production process for high quality green products based on recycled tires.

Poland Map


Reintroducing tire residues into production cycles.

Used tires are not biodegradable and are difficult to compact. Occupying large spaces, they become a serious and growing ecological problem. Every year about 3.2 million tonnes of used tyres are generated in Euro Zone + Norway + Switzerland; Poland alone generates 190 thousand tonnes of residue. 

The main objective of the project is to apply innovative technology for the production process of high quality green products based on used tires. It will be supported mostly by the facility in Sławno – for purchase, delivery and a new production line necessary to start-up production of the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and improved steel cord and briquetting. The target group of the project are suppliers of used tires and new customers. Indirectly, this initiative will also benefit partners in Scandinavian markets and environmental stakeholders in the Sławno neighbourhood.

The target of this project is to introduce a technology that reinforces the natural environment that is processing the used tyres that are not suitable for the mechanical recycling into RDF.

This will contribute to reducing the negative impact on the natural environment. Cleaning and briquetting of the steel cord from the tires, obtained as the result of the mechanical recycling, contributes to the reduction of the distribution time, by delivering it to the final recipient. IDN task is focused on business development – market research and CSR strategy developed for the company needs.

The expected output of the project is, mainly, creating business opportunities for greening the European economy, what will be achieved by extending existing recycling process of used tires and introducing to new for company product: RDF  and improved product: steel cord.