PROJECT Circular Economy


Finding innovative solutions to treat wastewater from an auto paint shop.

Romania Map


The project’s overall goal was to deliver customized state-of-the-art Norwegian and Romanian environmental R&D based technology.

DIREX needed assistance related to a car painting shop with high environmental performance. There was a need for a high performance wastewater treatment module for wastewater generated by the workshop and personnel. Furthermore, it was installed a ventilation system sufficient to protect the personnel in the workshop and acquiring lifting equipment with a closed circuit system for collecting used lubricants extracted from car engines.

DIREX got assistance to:

  • Comparison of the DIREX painting technologies to the Best Available Techniques at EU level.
  • Air sampling and analysis in the Workshop.
  • Water source analysis, for pits existing on the DIREX platform.
  • Wastewater sampling and analysis before and after the treatment in the wastewater treatment module.
  • Comparison of water quality results with existing Romanian and/or EU norms.
  • Support for establishing material balances in the workshop.
  • Recommendations for complying to relevant environmental regulations.
  • Policy and ways of reducing water consumption in the Workshop.
  • Policy and ways for personnel health and safety protection.
  • Recommendations for future sustainable and environmentally sound development of the DIREX.

IDN leased out Project Manager and other experts to SINTEF. The project was a sub-project under ESD Romania funded by Norway Grants and administered by Innovation Norway.