PROJECT Circular Economy Green Energy

Climate awareness at Metropolis Schools

Raising awareness of students and teachers in the field of climate change in the Metropolitan Area Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot

Poland Map


Encompassing a large population

In order to tackle the inevitable effects of climate change, the new generation must be aware of solutions and ways it will affect their local community, as well as the rest of the world. This project is a cooperation between 40 schools in the Metropolitan Area of Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot, in which the results will be increased knowledge in the field of climate change among students, teachers, environmental activists and the general population of the area, encompassing over 32.000 people. 

Participants will learn about climate change mitigation, how to successfully adapt to it, and the project will initiate new infrastructure on school grounds. Different platforms such as a dedicated website, social media and media coverage, including translated publications to other languages, will allow the project to cover a wide scope of recipients. The aim is to increase growth in the field of climate change and reduce local greenhouse gas emissions. 

Activities of the project

  • There will be continuous knowledge transfers from the Norwegian partners to recipients in Poland.
  • There will be a competition, “Let’s Protect the Environment of the Metropolis”.
  • The winner of the competition will receive a trip to Norway to experience good practices of climate mitigation.
  • 5 short videos of selected investments will be created for educational purposes.

IDN will contribute to the project with a transfer of knowledge and good practices to the local schools and participants. There will be held a competition for participants in which the winner will be granted a trip to Norway to see first hand examples of climate mitigation and adaptation to climate change effects.